Really enjoyed getting started with the Natural Bridges Sketchers! Everyone got right into learning how to measure accurate proportions and holding the pencil on its side while moving the whole arm to draw. Shown above left and right are warm-up sketches by Molley and Abel.
As they worked from reference lesson pictures, students learned about proportions (the sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) and drawing on top of mistakes. Kelly dove in with some nice sketching. His crab (upper left) shows accurate proportions as he drew light guidelines before finishing with darker outlines. Willow's puffer fish (upper right) is a great example of drawing on top of mistakes while searching for the overall shape of its body.
Students also got into adding light and dark tones to their work. Kelly (upper left) laid down some very accurate line work and nice tones. Emilio captured accurate proportions of the puffer fish and did a great job of adding tone and the pointy texture lines.
As we progressed, everyone learned about overlapping shapes. Gianna's drawing (upper left) shows how overlapping the frog's legs gives depth to her picture. And she did a fantastic job in drawing accurate proportions! Katia laid down a wonderful sketch of the frog (above, right).
To view everyone's sketches and reference pictures...