Monday, January 3, 2011

Weeks 7-10: Form, Contours, Tonal Values, Positive/Negative Space, Perspective

Natural Bridges Sketchers are taking drawing to exciting new levels! A very focused NB crew put together a lot of awesome study sketches showing the roundness and contours of veggies and various objects as they aimed for accurate proportions.We also got into using large format paper and charcoal to study texture, light, and shadows.

Upper left is Abel's study of a squash and the upper right is his large-scale charcoal drawing. Lower left is Gianna's large-scale charcoal drawing showing the form and texture of an apple. Lower right is Frank's composition of different studies of a pumpkin.

Upper left is Elijah's contour study of a a pumpkin. Upper right is Emilio's contour sketch of a pumpkin. Lower left is Elijah's contour drawing of an antique iron. Lower right is Abel's study of the form of a coyote skull.

Students learned about 1 and 2-point perspective. Above left is Abel's 2-point drawing of boxes. To the right is Frank's 2-point drawing of buildings.

A very important aspect of drawing is learning to perceive positive and negative space. Upper left is Gianna's use of the negative space around a flower to draw its form. Upper right shows how Gianna used negative space to draw the contours of an egret. Lower left is Andrea's study of negative space around the egret. And to the right, she adds details forming its body.

Students also learned how to use gray tonal values to represent color. Above left is Elijah's contour drawing showing the proportions of an aloe plant. To the right is Andrea's aloe plant drawn with gray tones for the values of green.

You've absolutely got to check out the latest mind-blowing eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn drawings by Gianna (upper left), Emilio (upper right), Frank (lower left and right), and others: Click here

Click 'Read more' below to view everyone's drawings and Rob's comments...
Great to have you stop in and draw with us! Excellent use of positive and negative space to sketch the contours and realistic form of the egret and tulip. Nice job of nailing accurate proportions. Hope to see you back in class soon--we can really take your skills to amazing levels.

Great to see you pushing into different techniques and drawing styles, it will help your direction in concept art and design. REALLY nice studies of the pumpkins--would love to see you go to large paper with charcoal :-) Be sure to check out your drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn!

Your realistic drawing is improving in a BIG way, Andrea! Your observational sketches of the pumpkin, aloe plant, and egret merge your wonderful impressionistic style with accurate proportions. Keep it going :-)

Your willingness to explore techniques and ability to get into the Zone and focus shows in your latest series of work. Superb drawings--the true artist in you is starting to shine! You definitely should be pursuing visual art along with your musical future. Hope you can finish your M.C. Escher drawing of the columns. 


Excellent progress in drawing from objects in real life, Elijah! Your contour study of the pumpkin is a great step in drawing realistically. And your drawing of the antique iron is an FANTASTIC example of accurate proportions and realistic contours! Keep loosening up your line work as you make study sketches of what you're drawing. Hope to see the character development sketches you're working on, too.

The positive/negative lesson of the egret was a huge breakthrough in drawing realistically. Your studies of the pumpkins punched you through to a whole new level of observational drawing. You did an excellent job of showing the curved contours of the larger pumpkin. And you really pulled it all together to show the curved form of the shell! Don't forget to check out your concept sketches in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn: Click here

You're one of the most improved sketchers, of the many students I've had in Fall/Winter 2010. Your large-scale charcoal work of the pumpkin and the study of the lantern show your hard work in drawing realistic, accurate proportions. The sky's the limit for 2011!

Exquisite drawing, Gianna! Time to start building your portfolio for art school! :-) Remember to check out your work in the eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn: Click here

The egret shows a superb study of positive and negative space! Hope to have you back in drawing class soon.

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